23 Keys to Effective Communication in Marriage

Couple sitting on couch

Marriage can be tough. It’s a lifelong commitment that comes with its fair share of ups and downs. During the good times, it’s easy to communicate effectively and feel connected to your spouse.

But during tough times, communication can be hard. If you’re going through a difficult period in your marriage, this guide provides 23 keys to effectively communicate that can help you and your spouse weather the storm.

Most married couples would agree that communication is key to maintaining a happy and healthy relationship.

After all, how can you connect with your spouse on a deeper level if you can’t communicate effectively?

When challenges arise, effective communication is even more important. By sharing your hopes, dreams, triumphs, and challenges with each other, you and your spouse can remain connected on a deep level. By communicating effectively, you can also resolve any issues that may arise.

Ultimately, effective communication is essential to keeping your marriage strong.

Effective communication can make marriage easier and more fun. It can also make it more likely to withstand the test of time. So, what are the keys to effective communication in marriage? Keep reading to find out!

23 Keys for effective communication in a marriage

1. Be an active listener.

This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s worth repeating. In order to communicate effectively, you need to be a good listener. That means really listening to what your spouse is saying and trying to understand their point of view.

It also means being patient and giving them the time they need to share their thoughts and feelings. If you’re finding it difficult to really listen to your spouse, try paraphrasing what they’ve said back to them. This will let them know that you’re hearing them and that you’re trying to understand their point of view.

2. Don’t interrupt.

Interrupting your spouse while they’re trying to communicate with you is a surefire way to shut down the conversation before it even has a chance to get started.

If you’re working on being a better listener, it’s important that you also work on not interrupting your spouse when they’re speaking. If you have something you want to say, wait until they’re finished speaking before chiming in. Trust us, they’ll appreciate it!

3.Ā Seek to understand before being understood

When we are communicating with our spouse, itā€™s important to seek to understand their point of view before trying to make them understand ours. This doesnā€™t mean that we have to agree with everything they say, but it does mean that we should try to see things from their perspective. Only then can we truly start to find common ground and work together toward a resolution.

4.Ā Be Clear and Concise

When you are communicating with your spouse, itā€™s important to be clear and concise. This means avoiding vague statements, as these can often be confusing and lead to misunderstandings. Itā€™s also important to avoid using ā€œyouā€ statements, as these can come across as accusatory. Instead, focus on ā€œIā€ statements that express how you feel.

5. Avoid making assumptions.

Making assumptions about what your spouse is thinking or feeling is a recipe for disaster. It’s important that you ask questions and clarify things if you’re unsure about something.

Otherwise, miscommunication is bound to happen. If you find yourself making assumptions about your spouse’s thoughts or feelings, try checking in with them directly instead. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and avoid any misunderstandings later on down the road.

6.Ā Avoid Contempt

Contempt is another common communication breakdown in marriage. It includes behaviors such as eye-rolling, name-calling, and sarcasm. These behaviors communicate a lack of respect for your partner and can be very hurtful.

Dr. Gottman, in his book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, has identified contempt as one of the four main predictors of divorce.

If you find yourself engaging in these behaviors, itā€™s important to take a step back and try to communicate in a more respectful way.

7. Talk about your feelings.

One of the most important aspects of effective communication is being able to express your feelings to your spouse. This can be difficult for some people, but it’s important to remember that your spouse can’t read your mind. If something is bothering you, tell them! It may be uncomfortable at first, but it will help you feel closer to each other in the long run.

8. Acknowledge your role in the problem.

We all make mistakes and sometimes, those mistakes can lead to conflict in our marriage.

If you’re having trouble communicating with your spouse, it’s important to take a step back and examine your own role in the problem. Not only will this help you take responsibility for your own actions, but it will also show your spouse that you’re willing to work on the problem together.

9. Be honest with each other.

Honesty is essential in any relationship, but it’s especially important in marriage.

Marriage is built on trust, and that trust can only be developed when you are honest with each other. You and your spouse need to be able to trust each other, and that starts with being honest with each other.

This doesnā€™t mean that we have to share everything, but it does mean that you should avoid hiding things that are important to you as a couple ā€“ even the tough stuff.

If you’re not sure how to have an honest conversation with your spouse, start by telling them how you’re feeling. This will open up the dialogue and allow you both to share your thoughts and feelings more openly.

10. Don’t attack or criticize your spouse.

If you want to effectively communicate with your spouse, it’s important that you avoid attacking or criticizing them. This will only make them defensive and less likely to listen to what you have to say.

If you’re unhappy with something your spouse has done, try to express your feelings in a constructive way. For example, “I felt really hurt when you said that I’m always the one who has to do the dishes.”

This will help your spouse understand how their words or actions made you feel and hopefully prevent them from doing it again in the future.

11. Avoid using “you” statements. Use “I” statements instead.

When you’re communicating with your spouse, it’s important to avoid using “you” statements. These are statements that begin with the word “you” and usually involve accusing or attacking your spouse. For example, “You never listen to me!” or “You’re always making things worse.”

These types of statements are more likely to make your spouse defensive and less likely to listen to what you have to say. Instead, try using “I” statements. For example, “I feel like I’m not being heard.” or “I need some help.” These types of statements are more likely to encourage open communication and lead to a productive conversation.

12. Avoid using absolutes like “always” or “never.”

When you’re communicating with your spouse, it’s important to avoid using absolutes like “always” or “never.” These words are often seen as confrontational and can make your spouse defensive.

For example, if you say “You never listen to me!” your spouse is likely to become defensive and may not be willing to listen to what you have to say. Instead, try using words like “sometimes” or “I feel like…” For example, “I feel like I’m not being heard.” This type of statement is more likely to encourage open communication and lead to a productive conversation.

13. Don’t withdraw from the conversation.

Withdrawing from the conversation is not an effective way to communicate with your spouse. If you’re feeling upset or defensive, it’s important to stay calm and engaged in the conversation.

This can be difficult, but it’s important to remember that withdrawing will only make the situation worse. If you need a break from the conversation, try saying something like, “I need a minute to calm down. I’ll be right back.” This will let your spouse know that you’re still interested in the conversation and that you just need a little time to calm down.

Also, don’t stonewall your spouse. This is when you refuse to communicate with them or engage in conversation. This will only make the situation worse and can lead to further communication problems down the road.

14.Ā Avoid Defensiveness

Defensiveness is another common communication breakdown in marriage. It occurs when we feel like we need to defend ourselves against our partnerā€™s criticisms or complaints. This usually leads to an escalation of the conflict, as each person feels like they need to keep defending themselves. If you find yourself getting defensive, itā€™s important to take a step back and try to see things from your partnerā€™s perspective.

15. Validate your spouse, even if you don’t agree with them.

It’s important to try to understand your spouse’s perspective, even if you don’t agree with it. This can be difficult, but it’s important to remember that your spouse is entitled to their own opinion.

If you can’t see eye-to-eye on an issue, try to find a compromise that you both can agree on. Compromising doesn’t mean that you have to give in to your spouse, it just means that you’re both willing to meet in the middle.

Respect your spouse’s opinions, even if you don’t share them.Ā  This will go a long way in keeping the lines of communication open and will help to strengthen your relationship.

16. Be patient and avoid getting angry.

It’s important to be patient when communicating with your spouse. This can be difficult, but it’s important to remember that getting angry will only make the situation worse.

If you feel yourself getting angry, try to take a few deep breaths and calm down. It’s also important to avoid raising your voice or speaking in a condescending tone. This will only make your spouse defensive and less likely to listen to what you have to say.

17. Make time for each other, even when life is busy.

Check-in with each other regularly throughout the day, even if it’s just a quick text message or phone call.Ā  This will help you stay connected to each other, even when life is busy. It’s also important to make time for each other on a regular basis.

This can be difficult, but it’s important to schedule time for date nights, weekend getaways, or even just a night in. This time is important for reconnecting with each other and will help to strengthen your relationship.

18. Communicate often, even when there’s nothing specific to talk about.

It’s important to communicate often, even when there’s nothing specific to talk about. This will help to keep the lines of communication open and will allow you to stay connected to each other.

Try to set aside time each day to talk with your spouse about how your day went or anything that’s on your mind. This time is important for staying connected to each other and will help to keep your relationship strong.

19. Say “I love you” often.

It’s important to express your love for each other often. This can be difficult, but it’s important to remember that your spouse needs to hear these words often. Try to say “I love you” every day, even if it’s just in a quick text message or phone call. This will help to keep the love alive in your relationship and will help to strengthen your bond.

20. Take breaks if the conversation gets too heated.

It’s important to take breaks if the conversation gets too heated. This will help to prevent the situation from escalating and will allow you both to calm down.

Try to take a few minutes to yourself, or even just go for a walk. This time will help you to clear your head and will allow you to come back to the conversation with a fresh perspective.

21. Find ways to laugh together, even during tough times.

Laughter is important, even during tough times. It can help to lighten the mood and will make it easier to communicate with each other. Try to find ways to laugh together, even if it’s just watching a funny movie or telling jokes. This time is important for bonding and will help to strengthen your relationship.

22. Seek professional help if needed.

If you’re finding it difficult to communicate effectively with your spouse, it may be time to seek professional help. A marriage counselor can help you and your spouse learn how to communicate with each other more effectively and work through any underlying issues that may be causing problems in your marriage. Marriage counseling can be a great way to improve your relationship and build a stronger bond with your spouse.

23. Take breaks if the conversation gets too heated.

It’s important to take breaks if the conversation gets too heated. This will help to prevent the situation from escalating and will allow you both to calm down.

Try to take a few minutes to yourself, or even just go for a walk. This time will help you to clear your head and will allow you to come back to the conversation with a fresh perspective.


Remember that effective communication takes time and effort, but it’s worth it when it helps you and your spouse feel closer to each other again.

Good communication is essential for a happy and healthy marriage. If you are struggling in this area, there are things you can do to improve the situation.

Take the time to talk when you are both relaxed and listen carefully to what your spouse is saying. Avoid making assumptions and be patient as you work through difficult topics. With some effort, you can improve communication in your marriage and build a stronger relationship with your spouse.

These 23 tips can help you and your spouse weather the storm and come out on the other side feeling closer to each other than ever before. So don’t give up hopeā€”keep communicating!

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