How to Have a Lasting Marriage: A Christian Perspective

Couple holding hands

A lot of couples enter into marriage with the mindset that it’s not going to last forever. They might not say it out loud, but they have one eye on the exit door from day one.

Many couples today view marriage as a temporary commitment. They enter into marriage with the mindset that if things don’t work out, they can always get divorced. As a result, they’re not as committed to making things work when tough times come along. They would rather bail at the first sign of trouble.

However, this is not the Biblical perspective on marriage.

According to the Bible, marriage is a lifetime commitment. In fact, a couple who is truly committed to having a lasting marriage has no backup plan. They’re all in, 100%.

They know that marriages go through ups and downs, but they’re willing to stick it out and work on their relationship no matter what.


Because they understand that marriage is worth the effort.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what it takes to have a lasting marriage from a Christian perspective.

The first thing to understand is that marriage is not just a human institution; it is also a sacred covenant before God. When you make the decision to marry, you are making a commitment not just to your spouse but also to God. This means that you need to be sure that you are spiritually compatible with your future spouse before you make any further commitments.

The second thing to understand is that marriage is not about getting your needs met; it’s about giving of yourself for the benefit of your spouse. In other words, selflessness is key in a lasting marriage. If you’re always focused on yourself and your own needs, chances are your marriage will not last.

Thirdly, remember that communication is essential in any relationship, but especially in marriage. You and your spouse need to be able to communicate openly and candidly about your thoughts, feelings, and needs. If you’re not able to do this, it will be very difficult to maintain a lasting relationship.

Fourth is Forgiveness. In any relationship, there will be times when someone makes a mistake or hurts the other person’s feelings. It’s important to be able to forgive each other and move on from these incidents. If you’re holding onto resentment and bitterness, it will poison your relationship and make it very difficult to stay together.

Finally, remember that commitment is key in marriage. You need to commit to your spouse and work on your relationship—even when it’s hard. It means being supportive of each other and respecting each other’s dreams and goals. And it means being able to laugh together and enjoy each other’s company—no matter what life throws your way.

If you’re committed to having a lasting marriage, these are the important things to keep in mind:

First, remember that marriage is a sacred covenant before God.

Second, focus on giving of yourself for the benefit of your spouse rather than getting your own needs met. Be sure to communicate openly and candidly with your spouse about your thoughts, feelings, and needs.

And finally, remember that commitment is key in marriage. You need to commit to your spouse and work on your relationship—even when it’s hard. If you can do all of these things, you’ll be well on your way to having a lasting marriage.

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