How To Save Your Marriage (Even If It Looks Hopeless)

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Invite God into Your Marriage and Ask Him to Work on It Everyday

Did you know that God wants to be involved in your marriage? It’s true! In fact, He wants to be involved in every aspect of your life. But, just like any relationship, He won’t force Himself on you. You have to invite Him in.

Revelation 3:20 states that “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” This is a beautiful picture of the Lord knocking on the door of our hearts, wanting to come in and have a relationship with us. But, He doesn’t force His way in, we have to let Him in.

The same is true for our marriage. We have to invite God in and ask Him to work on it every day. It’s not enough to just pray when things are going bad, we need to be proactive and invite Him in every day. We need to surrender our marriage to Him and ask for His help.

If you want to see your marriage transformed, start by inviting God in and asking Him to work on it every day. It’s not going to be easy, but it’s worth it. Trust me, I know from experience. My marriage was on the brink of divorce when I finally surrendered it to God and asked for His help. It was the best decision I ever made.

If you’re ready to take that step, here’s a prayer you can pray:

Father, I surrender my marriage to You. I invite You in and ask that You would work on it every day. Help us to communicate better, to love each other more, and to grow closer to You. I ask that You would heal any hurt or pain that we’ve caused each other. I surrender my marriage to You and ask that You would bless it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you want more help fighting for your marriage, I encourage you to check out my book, 52 Prayers for My Marriage: Fight For Your Marriage With The Power Of Prayer. It’s full of prayers that you can use to fight for your marriage. I know they’ve helped me, and I hope they help you too.

Remember, God wants to be involved in your marriage. So invite Him in and ask for His help. It’s the best decision you’ll ever make.

Here’s how you can do that: first, pray for your marriage every day. Pray that God will bless it and help you to grow closer to each other. Second, read His word together. The Bible is packed with verses about love, marriage, and relationships. As you read, ask God to show you how His word applies to your marriage. Third, go to church together. Worshiping and serving alongside other Christians will help to strengthen your relationship with each other and with God.

Finally, don’t forget that communication is key! Talk to each other about your needs, your desires, and your concerns. And most importantly, pray together. Prayer is the foundation of a strong marriage. So invite God into your marriage today, and ask Him to work on it every day. He’ll bless you more than you could ever imagine!

Praying for Your Marriage Every Day

The first step in inviting God into your marriage is to pray for it every day. Pray that God will bless it and help you both to grow closer to each other. Pray that He will reveal any areas in which you need to change or improve. And thank Him for the good things in your marriage too! As you pray together, you’ll find that your relationship with each other deepens and grows stronger.

Reading the Bible Together

Another way to invite God into your marriage is to read His word together. The Bible is full of verses about love, marriage, and relationships. As you read, ask God to show you how His word applies to your marriage specifically. You may be surprised at what He reveals! Reading the Bible together is a great way to grow closer to each other and to God at the same time.

Going To Church Together

Going to church together is another great way to Invite God into Your Marriage. Worshiping and serving alongside other Christians will help strengthen your relationship with each other and with God. As you serve others together, you’ll find that your love for each other grows deeper. And as you worship the Lord side-by-side, you’ll experience a closeness that can only come from Him. So don’t neglect this important part of inviting God into Your Marriage!

Inviting God into your marriage shouldn’t be something you only do when things are going bad. God wants to be the foundation of your marriage – the one you build everything else on. When you make habits of reading the Bible together, praying together, and going to church every week, you’ll find that your relationship with God and with one another thrives like never before! So what are you waiting for?

Invite God into Your Marriage today!

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