I thought date night was expensive until I realized how much divorce attorneys cost.

33 Ways a Husband Can Date His Wife

I thought date night was expensive until I realized how much divorce attorneys cost.

I’m a huge advocate for date nights.

If you’ve been married for a while, and you’ve started to fall into a bit of a rut, making time for date night can be a game changer.

It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just something that gives you quality time together.

If you stick to a plan, soon enough it becomes something that both of you look forward to.

It might be dinner at your favorite restaurant, a walk in the park, or just going for a drive.

John and Lisa had been married for five years when they decided to start a new tradition.

Every week, they would go out on a date night. It didn’t have to be anything fancy, just some time alone where they could focus on each other.

They both loved it, and soon it became one of their favorite things to do together.

They would talk, laugh, and just enjoy each other’s company. It was the perfect way to reconnect after a long week apart.

Even after all these years, John and Lisa still look forward to their weekly date night.

It’s always something that they can count on, no matter what else is going on in their lives.

For more ideas on how you can spend quality time and build a stronger connection, check out:

33 Ways a Husband Can Date His Wife

Pesa and Whitney Shayo
Live Your Best Marriage

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    • Pesa Shayo
    • 08/04/2022

    God Bless

    • Euclides
    • 07/21/2022

    Concuerdo 100% con el tema de las citas.

    Pero de un año para acá ha sido muy difícil cumplirlas por la situación económica y desempleo que atravesamos.
    Tenía citas no solo con mi esposa, sino con mi hija y mi hijo. Una buena forma de escuchar y conocer sus necesidades, también de fortalecer aun más nuestra relación.

    Dios me ayude a volver y continuar con ello

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