The Difference Between Mirroring And Validation: Which One Do You Need?

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When it comes to communication, there are two main types of strategies that people use: mirroring and validation. So, what’s the difference? Mirroring is when you repeat back what the other person has said. This can be helpful in showing that you’re listening and understanding what they’re saying. Validation is when you communicate that you understand their feelings, even if you don’t necessarily agree with them.

Being able to effectively communicate with your spouse is an important part of a successful marriage. That’s why it’s important to understand the difference between mirroring and validation, and how to use both strategies in your relationship.

Mirroring vs Validation: What’s the Difference?

As we said before, mirroring is when you repeat back what the other person has said. This can help show that you’re listening and understanding what they’re saying. For example, if your spouse is telling you about their day, you might say something like, “So, you had a really tough day at work.” This shows that you’re listening and trying to understand how they’re feeling.

Validation is when you communicate that you understand their feelings, even if you don’t necessarily agree with them. For example, if your spouse is complaining about their mother-in-law always coming over unannounced, you might say something like, “I can see how that would be really frustrating for you.” This shows that even though you might not be experiencing the same thing, you can still understand and empathize with their feelings.

Both mirroring and validation are important communication strategies in a marriage. By using both of these strategies, you can effectively show your spouse that you’re listening to them and trying to understand their point of view.

When it comes to communication in marriage, it’s important to use both mirroring and validation strategies. Mirroring helps show your spouse that you’re listening and trying to understand what they’re saying. Validation helps show your spouse that even if you don’t necessarily agree with them, you can still understand and empathize with their feelings. Using both of these strategies will help create a stronger bond between you and your spouse.

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