The Secret Ingredient For Making Up Faster

The secret ingredient for making up faster

How long does it take for you to reconnect affectionately with your spouse after an argument?
Words hurt, and situations hurt, but getting to the bottom of the issue and forgiving our partner is what brings healing. The ability to give grace may not come easily. Love and understanding means having the chance to start over and try again. Not everything happens perfectly the first time. Mistakes will occur, but it’s the way we react and decide how to handle everything that makes a difference. Here, we’ll discuss the secret ingredient for making up faster.

Is redemption part of your marriage?
Redemption simply means that a couple can have a disagreement and then return to their normal state without carrying a grudge.

Couples spend a lot of time debating over who was or wasn’t at fault. This is one of the biggest wastes of time. Putting more energy than what’s needed on the problem leaves little creativity for finding a solution.

One of the best steps you can take after an argument is to ask your partner if they understand that your intention was not to cause harm. When you say or do something offensive, or when a decision that you made, puts the two of you in a difficult situation, begin by letting your spouse know:

I did not intend to make you feel the way you’re feeling…

Also, the person who has the hurt feelings needs to take this into consideration. Remind yourself that their intentions were not bad. Both husband and wife have a responsibility to try to make things right again.

Looking at their intentions is the secret ingredient for making up faster.

Being willing to do whatever it takes to repair the relationship puts your marriage on a trajectory towards not only staying together, but staying stronger.

There is always room for improvement, and keeping in mind the fact that our partner isn’t perfect, can make forgiveness a regular part of the routine.

By simply remembering that their intention is not to cause problems for you, but to love you, it almost instantly feels easier to show grace.

Working daily to make the marriage stronger and believing that your bond is too precious to let go, enables you to handle any problem thrown at your relationship.


Making Up After A Fight, Making Up After A Fight With Your Husband, Making Up After A Fight Ideas, How To Make Up After A Fight In A Relationship, Ways To Make Up After A Bad Fight, Making Up After A Fight Ideas, How To Make Up After A Fight In A Relationship, To Make Up After A Fight

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    • Robbin
    • 10/19/2020

    It was a great post. Very helpful. Thanks and keep sharing !!

  1. Great post Whitney! Advice that can carry over to any relationship.

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