Why You NEED to Create a Marriage Mission Statement ASAP – 5 Reasons.

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In life, we either live by default or by design. Our past controls us or our dreams propel us. The same is true for marriage. If we don’t have a shared mission and purpose for our marriage, then it’s easy to get caught up in the mundane tasks of everyday life and forget why we’re married in the first place.

You’ve probably heard of a personal mission statement, but have you ever considered creating a marriage mission statement? Just as a personal mission statement defines who you are and what you want to achieve, a marriage mission statement defines the purpose of your marriage and what you hope to achieve as a couple.

Why Create a Marriage Mission Statement?

A marriage mission statement can help you and your spouse define your relationship goals, stay on the same page, and make joint decisions about your future.

5 Reasons Why You Need to Create a Marriage Mission Statement

A marriage mission statement can help you and your spouse define your relationship goals, stay on the same page, and make joint decisions about your future.

  1. Creating a marriage mission statement forces you to think about what you want your marriage to stand for. Do you want to be known for being a supportive couple who is always there for each other? Or do you want to be known for having adventures and being spontaneous? Whatever it is that you want your marriage to be known for, your mission statement can help guide you toward achieving that.
  2. A marriage mission statement can help you focus on what’s important in your relationship.
    Creating a marriage mission statement can help you focus/refocus on your relationship goals and stay connected to each other. It can also help you make important decisions about your relationship, such as whether or not to have children, where to live, and how to spend your time and money.
  3. A marriage mission statement can keep you both accountable to each other.
    If you and your spouse have different goals for your marriage, a mission statement can help you align your goals and keep each other accountable. For example, if one spouse wants to focus on their career and the other wants to focus on family, a mission statement can help you find a middle ground that works for both of you.
  4. A marriage mission statement can prevent disagreements from turning into full-blown arguments.
    If you and your spouse have different opinions about an important issue, a mission statement can help you hash out your differences and come to a compromise. By having a shared goal to focus on, you can prevent disagreements from turning into full-blown arguments.
  5. A marriage mission statement can help you weather the tough times.
    No marriage is perfect, and there will be times when you face challenges and setbacks. During these tough times, a mission statement can help you remember why you’re married in the first place and what you’re working toward as a couple.
  6. A marriage mission statement is a great way to start every day by reminding yourself why you’re married and what you’re working towards together. When you keep your mission top of mind, it’ll be easier to make decisions that align with your shared goals.

Tips for creating your marriage mission statement:

1. Brainstorm together. Sit down with your spouse and brainstorm what you both want to achieve in your marriage. What are your shared values? What do you both want out of life? What kind of legacy do you want to leave?

2. Be specific. Once you have a general idea of what you want to achieve, start getting specific. What kind of relationship do you want to have? What kind of parents do you want to be?

3. Write it down. Once you have a good idea of what your marriage mission statement should be, write it down. Put it somewhere where you’ll see it every day, such as on the fridge, or in your bedroom.

4. Refer to it often. Whenever you’re making a decision that will affect your marriage, refer back to your mission statement. This will help you stay focused on your goals and keep your marriage on track.

How to Create Your Marriage Mission Statement

There is no right or wrong way to create your marriage mission statement. However, there are a few key elements that every good mission statement should have.

First, your statement should be short, sweet, and to the point. You don’t want something so long and detailed that it’s impossible to remember or put into practice.

Second, your statement should be positive. For example, rather than saying “We will never argue in front of our children,” try “We will always remain respectful of each other in front of our children.”

Third, your statement should be specific. The more specific you can be, the better.

Finally, make sure that both you and your spouse are on board with the mission statement. This isn’t something that one person should decide on their own; it should be a joint effort between the two of you.

Your marriage is one of the most important relationships in your life. So why not define its purpose with a marriage mission statement? A well-crafted mission statement can help keep you and your spouse on the same page, make tough decisions easier and add some extra excitement and adventure to your relationship. So what are you waiting for? Get started on crafting YOUR MARRIAGE MISSION today!

What’s your marriage mission? Share it with us in the comments below!

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