Why are you unhappy in your marriage?

Why are you unhappy in your marriage

Why are you unhappy in your marriage? With the increase in the divorce rates and self reporting by couples that they are not happy, it is only natural to ask the question, Why are you unhappy in your marriage?

This has been very intriguing to me as I have always pondered the question. Check out this scenario, a couple on their wedding day, happy and looking forward to spending the rest of their lives together, till death do them apart. Fast forward 2 years later and they are calling it quits. What happened?

Many will say that they fell out of love. That love was just not there for the couple or they had irreconcilable differences. When I think about why you are unhappy in your marriage, I mostly attribute this to, Doubt. After the wedding, the honeymoon and all that, some doubt started creeping in one of the spouses and this causes them not to be sold on the spouse as they were before. All over sudden, the wife/husband is not a sure bet anymore.

While dating, the couple was sold on each other 100% and that’s why they spent the time, money and took in the stress to say “I DO” They were not doing this so that they can be unhappy later. This was being done so that they will be happy ever after. Now, you don’t work as hard on the relationship like when you are dating. You are not as forgiving as you were while dating, you are not as accommodating as you were while dating, your spouse now gets into your “nerves”. All because you are not sold on your spouse as you were before the marriage. They are not a sure bet as they were before the marriage. Now things that they do annoy you and and some body features which you once never noticed now become a huge annoyance- the feet, face, arms etc. You just can’t stand them and you want out, or just stay but fantasize about leaving the marriage.

Now that you know why you are unhappy in your marriage, what can you do to reverse this unfortunate trend? The answer is as simple as, BE SOLD AGAIN ON YOUR SPOUSE. This is not about going to endless counseling sessions trying to change each other. I am not against counseling, as I believe it has it’s place in a marriage, but what I am talking about here is believing 100% that your spouse is the sure thing even if you think their “laugh is very annoying or they are just embarrassing”. From a place of love you can work with them to correct some of the issues.

In closing, why are you unhappy in your marriage is mostly due to the fact that you are not sold on your spouse 100!% as you were before the marriage. If we can correct this, believe and be enchanted by your spouse, you will greatly improve on your marriage.

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